The Hawaii Ki Federation held its 1st annual Shugyo Tassei Kigan Shiki Seminar at the Shunshinkan dojo on January 23, 24 and 25, 2009. Curtis Sensei performed the Ki-ire, Ki-barai (dojo blessing) and provided Omiki to the members of Hawaii Ki Federation and visiting students.
The seminar has 2 transcripts and 3 podcasts. The Transcripts cover friday nights lecture on Ki Breathing and Ki Meditation along with the Question and Answer session. Part 1 of the Podcasts covers friday nights class, Part 2 covers a segment of Saturdays class while Part 3 covers the question and answer session.
Right click to download the podcast:
Shugyo Tassei Kigan Shiki part 1a
Shugyo Tassei Kigan Shiki part 1b
Shugyo Tassei Kigan Shiki part 2
Shugyo Tassei Kigan Shiki Q & A
Download the transcript here:
STKS Seminar Ki Breathing & Ki Meditation
STKS Seminar Q & A
Please feel free to provide your questions or comments below.
The Moderator